
We are very proud to be part of a working party that have come together to raise awareness of the risks that the young people in our communities are vulnerable to. Prime7 Multi Academy Trust, Chenderit Secondary School, West Northamptonshire Police and the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Watch of Chipping Warden came together to set up our Risk Aware Campaign that will aim to heighten awareness of the safeguarding concerns in our community. It will also be a platform for us to disseminate information to parents, carers, pupils and community leaders.
We are looking forward to welcoming leaders from King's Sutton and Middleton Cheney Parishes for our next meeting in January. Click here to find out more information from the Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Click on the posters below to find out who to contact for your area. For Chipping Warden it is the Daventry Team and for King's Sutton and Middleton Cheney it is the Brackley Team.